Girl Scouts Celebrate Bridgefest

Here is a look at the Girlscout Bridgefest in Chattanooga. It took three years to plan and organize. There were about 5000 girl scouts from 8 states in attendance, all marching with troop banners and regalia across the 101 year old restored Walnut Street Bridge. It is the longest pedestrian bridge in the world and was a major multi-million dollar restoration effort in the late 80's and early 90's. It was a big traffic suspension bridge until it became unsafe. Plans had been made to tear it down till the community pushed the politicians to save it. Now it is in the US list of Historic Sites. This also marks the 85th birthday of the Girl Scouts, so it was neat that they could celebrate together. The bridge is used now for all kinds of civic outdoor events and gala type stuff with a beautiful view of the river, new theater district, museums, Ross's landing with the riverboat and the aquarium, etc. in clear view. It took over two hours for all the troops to make their way across and down through downtown Chattanooga in parade fashion ending up at the Kaleidascope fair and Aquarium grounds. There they picnicked and played amid the lovely garden and fountain areas.

Contributed by my brother Ray Carter, <>